Everyone Starts Somewhere

As I sit here trying to figure out how to start this blog out, all I can think of is how easy it was to set up and what it is I want to say.

I would like to welcome you all to my page. I’m hoping this will be a different type of blog than you are used to seeing, as I’m not going to be writing on one particular topic as an expert. I’m not a word smith by any means, in fact the reason this blog is named “Thoughts of a simple mind” is because that is exactly as I see myself. I’m a 35 year old man who is a father, and husband, who enjoy firearms, motorcycles, and just spending time with those that are important to me, I have done some things others have not, and have done some things that others have. In reality I’m a nobody behind a keyboard and a computer screen putting his thoughts to a piece of paper if you will. I’m hoping that these thoughts will help some people, but it could possibly outrage others. I want you to be able to question the reality of what you believe by reading my words. But I’ll dive deeper into those topics in a later post.

I just know that this will be a great outlet for me, a chance to get out some of my thoughts and ideas of how one functions in this crazy time we live in. Be forewarned however, this blog will not be your typical blog where someone is pontificating and sounding all fancy. It will be tackling all sorts of different topics, at times it will be vulgar, and I will not pull any punches on my perceptions of life. I hope you all enjoy this page as I will be throwing things out from time to time, and it is all about how I see things going on around me in this crazy world we are living in.

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